monkey.wrench: say no more
monkey.wrench: our team car for the week
monkey.wrench: the rest of the bunches transport
monkey.wrench: ok sorry
monkey.wrench: hey some green grass
monkey.wrench: the start chute
monkey.wrench: the press getting the last few words
monkey.wrench: love the views 2
monkey.wrench: last minute instructions
monkey.wrench: museum of Arabian art
monkey.wrench: the new AA Drink Team colours,
monkey.wrench: love the views
monkey.wrench: waiting, 5 mins to go
monkey.wrench: the city scape
monkey.wrench: the gang waiting to start
monkey.wrench: not a Zebra crossing, but a nun crossing
monkey.wrench: mascot from the asian games
monkey.wrench: the peloton spead out in the wind
monkey.wrench: looking good
monkey.wrench: the lead bunch of 21, 4 of us
monkey.wrench: waiting to come into focus
monkey.wrench: Bronzini sprinting
monkey.wrench: and the first four
monkey.wrench: Bronzini takes the win, Wild 2nd, 3rd VanDyke
monkey.wrench: the rest of the lead bunch of 21
monkey.wrench: that building again
monkey.wrench: the laughing bunch, 14 mins back
monkey.wrench: good race girls, the attackers
monkey.wrench: some of the cheaper houses
monkey.wrench: our Hotel, the Ritz Carlton