monkey.wrench: Susanne on a training run
monkey.wrench: my new country for the week
monkey.wrench: Emma warming up before the start
monkey.wrench: hey it Alexis getting ready to race
monkey.wrench: 5 mins Emma
monkey.wrench: het it's Judith at the start, bronze for her ride
monkey.wrench: Het it's Linda riding for Denmark
monkey.wrench: looking good
monkey.wrench: it's Emma Pooley
monkey.wrench: and Susanne is off
monkey.wrench: looking good on the corners
monkey.wrench: Mirjam and Kirsten out training on the hill
monkey.wrench: hey it's Fredrik Ericsson, first time at the worlds
monkey.wrench: hey it's Michael Roger's, wife and twins
monkey.wrench: long legs, could be good on the bike soon
monkey.wrench: Adam Hansen warming up
monkey.wrench: hey it's Fred
monkey.wrench: Fredrik having too much fun warming up
monkey.wrench: Hey it's Franki for Czech Republic
monkey.wrench: looking good Franki, 38th
monkey.wrench: Fredrik looking worried
monkey.wrench: check out the fear in his eyes, 20th
monkey.wrench: Gustav warming up
monkey.wrench: and he's off on the road
monkey.wrench: false flat but still 51km/hr
monkey.wrench: best first split and 5th for the day