monkey.wrench: early morning walk
monkey.wrench: art shot
monkey.wrench: some classic old boats, 2 hrs to start
monkey.wrench: great reflection
monkey.wrench: the Cavendish, Banatti shootout
monkey.wrench: Franky off to start
monkey.wrench: the race mascot for most aggressive for the day
monkey.wrench: Visconti's Italian colour SL2
monkey.wrench: the two kiwi's from Slipstream, julian and Kris
monkey.wrench: Visconti looking good in pink
monkey.wrench: Viva il'Giro
monkey.wrench: Marco coming to say hello
monkey.wrench: all lined up
monkey.wrench: almost got the church
monkey.wrench: the other team Highroad
monkey.wrench: love the team car, Italian style