monkey.wrench: the fantastic use of reflectors, thats what there for then
monkey.wrench: the bike park for the cafe
monkey.wrench: the front door, nice
monkey.wrench: for the school kids
monkey.wrench: just love the work they have put in
monkey.wrench: the other work bench
monkey.wrench: up in the roof
monkey.wrench: inside the shed
monkey.wrench: and the bike for sale
monkey.wrench: front derailier anyone?
monkey.wrench: more forks ready for your selection
monkey.wrench: tire anyone?
monkey.wrench: the spare parts area
monkey.wrench: world of wheels
monkey.wrench: spokes are about the only new bits kicking around
monkey.wrench: needs some work, but otherwise very cool
monkey.wrench: fork up
monkey.wrench: Recycled cycles