monkey.wrench: Who goes next, white or black?
monkey.wrench: the height of cool in the sixties
monkey.wrench: on target
monkey.wrench: art shot #1
monkey.wrench: art shot #2
monkey.wrench: art shot #3
monkey.wrench: all the Queens men
monkey.wrench: fallen soldiers
monkey.wrench: london's icon's
monkey.wrench: hey it's the dead kiwi soldiers
monkey.wrench: old Abby
monkey.wrench: so many dead
monkey.wrench: such a cool church
monkey.wrench: USA got away lightly
monkey.wrench: art shot #5
monkey.wrench: the Queen's greatist fan
monkey.wrench: and think the Queen was in here
monkey.wrench: watch out
monkey.wrench: the worlds biggest wheel
monkey.wrench: we're on our way
monkey.wrench: the templar's church
monkey.wrench: more of the same
monkey.wrench: a huge spider
monkey.wrench: a huge big crack, it's art
monkey.wrench: a close up of the crack
monkey.wrench: natural history museum, nice
monkey.wrench: the gaurdians
monkey.wrench: journey to the center of the earth
monkey.wrench: art shot #7, old meets very old