monkey.wrench: lake Taupo
monkey.wrench: typical central north island vista
monkey.wrench: more Kapiti island
monkey.wrench: Kapiti Coast
monkey.wrench: ohh, it's so nice here
monkey.wrench: training agian
monkey.wrench: Good ol' NZ
monkey.wrench: and where are we?
monkey.wrench: Got to be Wellington
monkey.wrench: Nice team car
monkey.wrench: ok, now what out for motorists, and possums
monkey.wrench: and now what?
monkey.wrench: Kiwi A team
monkey.wrench: kiwi A team
monkey.wrench: comeon, time to get serious
monkey.wrench: love those scars
monkey.wrench: Danish champ, hanging with the Swedish champ
monkey.wrench: and almost ready for the week
monkey.wrench: T-mobiles mechanic, Wolfgang (Waller)
monkey.wrench: anyone there
monkey.wrench: can you see Susanne
monkey.wrench: Annette in front
monkey.wrench: Loes M, chasing Linda
monkey.wrench: Crit, stage 1
monkey.wrench: Susy Pride on national news
monkey.wrench: Lined up and ready to rock
monkey.wrench: the team car for the week, thanks Cycle City
monkey.wrench: and the winner is?
monkey.wrench: hey it's Jo K again
monkey.wrench: Loes M for third