JeanbugC: Swag, goodies, extras!
JeanbugC: At the Dudes&Dragons screening
JeanbugC: Maclain Nelson
JeanbugC: Maclain, Adrian and me
JeanbugC: Inside the theater at the screening
JeanbugC: cool interior decor
JeanbugC: LOL! Deadpool cosplay :)
JeanbugC: Damsels and a dude
JeanbugC: Maclain ran out of DVDs!
JeanbugC: Lexington, you rock!
JeanbugC: Sold out of the DVDs!!!
JeanbugC: Packing up...til next time
JeanbugC: On sale now, get a copy!
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JeanbugC: ugh...blurred...but love the pout
JeanbugC: Blurry but I love the look...
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