graybird: you're on in five
graybird: looking up
graybird: flalming phallus not yet lit
graybird: poetry in motion
graybird: tres belle
graybird: my leg, his legs
graybird: derriere
graybird: et, voila!
graybird: gettin' wiggy with it
graybird: girl power
graybird: hair it is
graybird: put your face on
graybird: shoulder and hair
graybird: mirror mirror
graybird: girl parts
graybird: studly performer
graybird: sober dance party gig
graybird: smile pretty
graybird: boobs
graybird: buckles
graybird: the lady is a gent
graybird: dressing
graybird: hotty in the green room
graybird: halter
graybird: flat-chested
graybird: sparkle top
graybird: clean shaven
graybird: blow-by-blow
graybird: my skirt looks good on you