Vincent OROMI: Market.
Vincent OROMI: Market.
Vincent OROMI: Sans titre.
Vincent OROMI: Sans titre.
Vincent OROMI: Sans titre.
Vincent OROMI: Walk…
Vincent OROMI: Morning.
Vincent OROMI: Backlight city.
Vincent OROMI: A man and his hat.
Vincent OROMI: Fugitive.
Vincent OROMI: During the march for freedom of expression
Vincent OROMI: During the march for freedom of expression
Vincent OROMI: During the march for freedom of expression
Vincent OROMI: Dimanche 11 janvier 2015
Vincent OROMI: Dimanche 11 janvier 2015…
Vincent OROMI: 11 janvier 2015
Vincent OROMI: 11 janvier 2015
Vincent OROMI: 11 janvier 2015
Vincent OROMI: 11 janvier 2015
Vincent OROMI: Rainy day.
Vincent OROMI: Jour de pluie.
Vincent OROMI: Duck and man.
Vincent OROMI: A reader.
Vincent OROMI: infinite
Vincent OROMI: Photographers