Dead Poets Society of America: Purple Poetess Pink
Dead Poets Society of America: Marianne Moore's Gettysburg Marker
Dead Poets Society of America: St. Anne: Suicidal #1
Dead Poets Society of America: Shells on H.D.'s grave in Bethlehem, PA
Dead Poets Society of America: St. May: Phoenix & Flowers
Dead Poets Society of America: Gwendoly Brooks : Headstone (front)
Dead Poets Society of America: Sara Teasdale - "American Poet"
Dead Poets Society of America: Marguerite Yourcenar : Maine
Dead Poets Society of America: Mina Loy's Aspen, CO Grave
Dead Poets Society of America: George Fitzgerald, of MASS, reading at the grave of Elizabeth Bishop, at the 3rd annual Dead Poets Remembrance Day event in Worcester, MA
Dead Poets Society of America: Ella Wheeler Wilcox : Ashes in a Rock
Dead Poets Society of America: Sara Teasdale : Snow Surprise
Dead Poets Society of America: Denise Levertov : POET
Dead Poets Society of America: Marjorie Frost Fraser
Dead Poets Society of America: Elizabeth Coatsworth