Graustark: Like holding hands
Graustark: Hardly a reflective moment
Graustark: The Golden Chick
Graustark: Dark days at the State Capitol
Graustark: Arriving in Austin
Graustark: Epic fail, but the sky is pretty (and the sun is black)
Graustark: Stone cold reflection
Graustark: Golden sunset
Graustark: The Capitol of Texas
Graustark: Crimson tide
Graustark: Weed arc
Graustark: Fields fly by
Graustark: The sun departs
Graustark: Tree-berries
Graustark: Welcome to the bat cave
Graustark: Under the pedestrian bridge
Graustark: Train crossing
Graustark: Sunny with a chance of Longhorn
Graustark: MC 15 Foot George Washington
Graustark: Ice horses
Graustark: Indistinct shoreline
Graustark: Waterscrapers
Graustark: The happy tree
Graustark: Hookers
Graustark: Roosting
Graustark: Christo in Boston?
Graustark: Vintage sewing machine
Graustark: Crooked Boston
Graustark: Flare and fire escapes
Graustark: Windows and ledges