graphic and alive: Tardor Badalonina
graphic and alive: terra ennuvolat
graphic and alive: gelat càlid
graphic and alive: l'un per l'altre
graphic and alive: em deixes el vestit lila?
graphic and alive: amunt que fa pujda
graphic and alive: mireia à la plage
graphic and alive: berta surant
graphic and alive: rodant quan el sol se'n va
graphic and alive: encarant el mediterrani
graphic and alive: retrat del pare
graphic and alive: Gàbia vora els núvols
graphic and alive: Víctor & capvespre assoleiat anglès
graphic and alive: Somnis al parc
graphic and alive: where is the sun going to spend the night?
graphic and alive: half of a yellow sun
graphic and alive: La llesca del meu germà i altres contes
graphic and alive: En Mia a "El verí del teatre"
graphic and alive: Víctor always finds the way
graphic and alive: spring - sunset - salzburg