Grant Doig: Start.
Grant Doig: "No cycling"
Grant Doig: The ride, riding.
Grant Doig: What would Robert Smith say?
Grant Doig: Southern Death? Blue Oyster?
Grant Doig: Sod this.
Grant Doig: Shore, inland.
Grant Doig: BMX
Grant Doig: Shore.
Grant Doig: FCP
Grant Doig: Span
Grant Doig: Squiggle
Grant Doig: Grey.
Grant Doig: Rails
Grant Doig: "Screaming Fire Road Descent" ((c) MBR approx 1999)
Grant Doig: Finally, the coast reappears....
Grant Doig: Do not stray from the path....
Grant Doig: Clagged.
Grant Doig: Yay, singletrack.
Grant Doig: Slog.
Grant Doig: Duck!!!!
Grant Doig: They still burn witches in Newburgh.....
Grant Doig: First token coast shot.