grannemary: Ouistreham
grannemary: Gros Horloge
grannemary: The Catherdral
grannemary: Next to the Cathedral
grannemary: Side street
grannemary: near St -Ouen
grannemary: St-ouen
grannemary: Harold Hadradda's stone
grannemary: A bar where Roger, John Karen and I drank in 1989/90
grannemary: Liberating Le Clercs
grannemary: Beach fortifications, Arromanches
grannemary: Sea front, Arromanches
grannemary: Almond tarte
grannemary: What's famous in Creully
grannemary: Barfleur
grannemary: Churchyard at barfleur
grannemary: mermaid hair
grannemary: nuclear submarine
grannemary: journey to the bottom of the sea
grannemary: big tank
grannemary: jelly fish
grannemary: sea snakes
grannemary: reflections
grannemary: Tank at Pegasus Bridge
grannemary: Vanité by Gilles Coignet