GrandTetonNPS: Cow Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Cow Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Young Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Moose taking a dip in Kelly Warm Springs
GrandTetonNPS: Magpie landing on a Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Young moose in winter
GrandTetonNPS: Moose Cow and calf crossing snowy road
GrandTetonNPS: Moose at Grose Ventre
GrandTetonNPS: Moose at Gros Ventre
GrandTetonNPS: Young Bull Moose near Blacktail Ponds
GrandTetonNPS: Cow Moose browsing in the willows
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose Fight
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose "Laughing"
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose Sticking Tongue Out
GrandTetonNPS: Two Bull Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose Portrait
GrandTetonNPS: Moose Calf
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose in Grassy Lake Fire Burn Area
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose in Grassy Lake Fire Burn Area
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose in Grassy Lake Fire Burn Area
GrandTetonNPS: Cow Moose in Grassy Lake Fire Burn Area
GrandTetonNPS: Cow Moose in Grassy Lake Fire Burn Area
GrandTetonNPS: Cow Moose in Grassy Lake Fire Burn Area
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose in the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway
GrandTetonNPS: Bull Moose in the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway