GrandTetonNPS: Ground Squirrel
GrandTetonNPS: Uinta Ground Squirrel
GrandTetonNPS: Marmots
GrandTetonNPS: Badger in the snow
GrandTetonNPS: Chipmunk
GrandTetonNPS: Squirrel
GrandTetonNPS: Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel
GrandTetonNPS: Raccoons
GrandTetonNPS: Pine Marten
GrandTetonNPS: Small Mammals
GrandTetonNPS: Small Mammals
GrandTetonNPS: Small Mammals
GrandTetonNPS: Small Mammals
GrandTetonNPS: Small Mammals
GrandTetonNPS: Uinta Ground Squirrel
GrandTetonNPS: Uinta Ground Squirrel
GrandTetonNPS: Ground Squirrel searching the top of a sage
GrandTetonNPS: Ground Squirl