Grandpa Loh: DSC 04179 Remote Church
Grandpa Loh: DSC 04195 The serenity
Grandpa Loh: DSC 04333 Traffic In shanghjai
Grandpa Loh: P 00019 At the beach
Grandpa Loh: P 00066 Beach at Santosa
Grandpa Loh: DSC 06072Road to quiet and peacefulness
Grandpa Loh: DSC 06101 Good capture
Grandpa Loh: DSC 07023 Recalling of The Old Days.
Grandpa Loh: IMG 01080 Relax in the afternoon.
Grandpa Loh: IMG 01090 Comparision
Grandpa Loh: IMG 01092
Grandpa Loh: IMG 01119 in deep meditation
Grandpa Loh: IMG 0112calm and peace
Grandpa Loh: DSC 08001 Supposed to be the longer overhead bridge in Singaoiore
Grandpa Loh: 500D 004 After raining
Grandpa Loh: 500D 035Capturing the scenery
Grandpa Loh: DSC 82380 To no where
Grandpa Loh: DSC 823284 Excusopm
Grandpa Loh: DSC 823 Rollercoasters coming up
Grandpa Loh: 500D 489 Inside the Garden
Grandpa Loh: 500D 512 Climbing up the hill.
Grandpa Loh: IMG 108 The Swan
Grandpa Loh: IMG 155 Forest in the Garden
Grandpa Loh: 500D 837 Hunting for scenery
Grandpa Loh: 500D 818 Morning Exercersice
Grandpa Loh: 500D 1286 Morning exercise
Grandpa Loh: 500D 1287 Morning flesh air
Grandpa Loh: 500D 1404 At the pond.
Grandpa Loh: 500D 1442 I am enjoying the sunshine
Grandpa Loh: 500D 1485 Peaceful and relaxin scene