Hesperia2007: 2010-01-16 06-53-57 - DSC00017
Hesperia2007: 2010-01-16 06-55-30 - DSC00019
Hesperia2007: grasshopper
Hesperia2007: Helioptes nivella / Nivella White-skipper
Hesperia2007: dry,shrubby habitat next to hotel
Hesperia2007: close-up of same nectar shrub, leaf
Hesperia2007: the only nectar flower in the dry area--same shrub
Hesperia2007: 2010-01-16 08-03-53 - DSC00029
Hesperia2007: Mylon salvia/skipper
Hesperia2007: 2010-02-07 12-29-38 - DSC00339
Hesperia2007: same as previous
Hesperia2007: same as previous
Hesperia2007: moth in visitors center
Hesperia2007: Dart White in visitors center
Hesperia2007: tachinid fly--1
Hesperia2007: tachinid fly close-up--2
Hesperia2007: Pale Sicklewing/Achlyodes pallida
Hesperia2007: Idalus species/amazing moth (Arctiidae?), dorsal view--1st of 2
Hesperia2007: Idalus species/amazing moth, side view--2nd of 2
Hesperia2007: hairstreak in Caracas suburb
Hesperia2007: Oressinoma typhla/satyr
Hesperia2007: red colonial spiders in web