Hesperia2007: rheas at Viru-Viru airport
Hesperia2007: Burrowing Owl at airport
Hesperia2007: bridge over the Piraí River
Hesperia2007: Santa Cruz City
Hesperia2007: Lomas de Arena 1
Hesperia2007: Lomas de Arena dune
Hesperia2007: sand dunes at Lomas de Arena
Hesperia2007: brick on sand
Hesperia2007: wetlands in dunes
Hesperia2007: resort and wetlands in dunes
Hesperia2007: forest en route from Santa Cruz to Comarapa
Hesperia2007: Laguna Volcanes resort
Hesperia2007: Laguna Volcanes resort
Hesperia2007: The Devil's Molar
Hesperia2007: forest on Laguna Volcanes road
Hesperia2007: between Samaipata and Comarapa 1
Hesperia2007: between Samaipata and Comarapa 2
Hesperia2007: early morning en route to Saipina from Comarapa
Hesperia2007: gasoducto pipeline from Santa Cruz to Sucre
Hesperia2007: semi-arid intermontane valley
Hesperia2007: semi-arid intermontane valley
Hesperia2007: semi-arid intermontane valley
Hesperia2007: intermontane valley lake
Hesperia2007: semi-arid intermontane valley
Hesperia2007: semi-arid intermontane valley
Hesperia2007: tall-cactus forest in semi-arid valley
Hesperia2007: Saipina agricultural fields where we saw the Red-fronted Macaws
Hesperia2007: cliffs where the Cliff Parakeets hang out
Hesperia2007: Red-fronted Macaws roost here
Hesperia2007: We saw Cliff Parakeets in these bromeliads