Hesperia2007: a kilometer marker
Hesperia2007: someone lives down there
Hesperia2007: village clutter
Hesperia2007: making bricks of gray mud and straw
Hesperia2007: llamas grazing around building
Hesperia2007: hobbled burros
Hesperia2007: what are they doing?
Hesperia2007: trail, village, fields on slopes
Hesperia2007: here the soil is red
Hesperia2007: dwellings
Hesperia2007: Is the lady trying to hide?
Hesperia2007: llamas and sheep herds
Hesperia2007: big checkpoint en route to La Cumbre
Hesperia2007: shop keeper, it's cold there
Hesperia2007: this stand sells quinoa juice
Hesperia2007: shop keeper and child
Hesperia2007: accidents are common
Hesperia2007: plenty of rocks for building walls
Hesperia2007: ....and houses
Hesperia2007: dog house
Hesperia2007: someone died here
Hesperia2007: yet another dwelling
Hesperia2007: Che Guevara
Hesperia2007: daily life
Hesperia2007: street vendors in El Alto above La Paz
Hesperia2007: fruit vendors
Hesperia2007: more goods for sale along the road
Hesperia2007: more dwellings outside La Paz/El Alto
Hesperia2007: opening the shop