Grandgi: Roe deer Chevreuil in Swiss Prealps
Grandgi: Roe deer Chevreuil in Swiss Prealps
Grandgi: Roe deer Chevreuil in Swiss Prealps
Grandgi: Roe deer Chevreuil in Swiss Prealps
Grandgi: Roe deer Chevreuil in Swiss Prealps
Grandgi: Roe deer Chevreuil in Swiss Prealps
Grandgi: New born
Grandgi: Protecting
Grandgi: Nature curiosity
Grandgi: New born
Grandgi: Aquarium
Grandgi: A la queue leu-leu
Grandgi: Miroir
Grandgi: Canard mandarin
Grandgi: Spatule rosée - Platalea - Spoonbill
Grandgi: Foulque macroule - Fulica atra
Grandgi: Supersonic gull - Mouette rieuse #
Grandgi: The gull & the windsurfer
Grandgi: Goéland leucophée - Larus michahellis
Grandgi: Rive du lac de Neuchâtel - Goéland leucophée (Larus michahellis)
Grandgi: La mouette
Grandgi: Envergure
Grandgi: Jeune Goéland
Grandgi: Gabbiano
Grandgi: Gaviota en vuelo
Grandgi: Discussion entre mouettes sur le lac de Neuchâtel
Grandgi: Roe deer VIDEO CHEVREUIL
Grandgi: Happy Swiss Pigs playing - Schweinerei
Grandgi: In the mountain
Grandgi: Val d'Hérens Valais Suisse, click to appreciate the panorama and nice cows