Grand Canyon NPS:
Ignition monitoring
Grand Canyon NPS:
Lookout from afar
Grand Canyon NPS:
A wildland firefighter monitors fire behavior on the Atoko Point prescribed fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Aspens along the fire road
Grand Canyon NPS:
Fire moving uphill
Grand Canyon NPS:
Smoke billows on the Atoko Point prescribed fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Ignition begins on the Atoko Point prescribed fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Smouldering creeping fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Mopping on the Atoko Point prescribed fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Fire creeps uphill on the Atoko Point prescribed fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Crew regroups during the Atoko Point fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Initial ignition operations on the Atoko Point prescribed fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Weather balloon helps fire managers predict fire behavior on the Atoko Point Fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Long flame lengths on the Atoko Point fire, North Rim
Grand Canyon NPS:
Smoke billows from the Atoko Point fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Smoke from the Atoko Point prescribed fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Long flame lengths on the Atoko Point prescribed burn
Grand Canyon NPS:
Monitoring on the fire road
Grand Canyon NPS:
Morning briefing during the Atoko Point prescribed fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Putting out a spot fire
Grand Canyon NPS:
Crew readies for initial ignitions-Atoko Point Fire