grammardog: I've never felt so alone.
grammardog: What Nova Scotia cares about.
grammardog: Knockout
grammardog: Nova Scotia news.
grammardog: Facebook, you are hilarious.
grammardog: capture the fag
grammardog: famine
grammardog: You know what, I bet that isn't what he said.
grammardog: is everything
grammardog: Looks like Bea Arthur wanted to open some new tabs.
grammardog: Hamm Sandwich
grammardog: Featured Member.
grammardog: Family Lexulous game.
grammardog: Shallow
grammardog: Canadian news.
grammardog: Soft news day.
grammardog: THIS IS IT
grammardog: I guess they both have an opinionated grandma.
grammardog: If I only knew.