grammardog: Loot bags.
grammardog: Cupcakes!
grammardog: Three in the rainbow pool.
grammardog: AB tests the waters.
grammardog: Cuddletime.
grammardog: AB and grandparents
grammardog: AB is SO WIGGLY.
grammardog: Existential crisis?
grammardog: Not sure what this thing even is.
grammardog: Some kind of... playdough?
grammardog: Ohhhhh.
grammardog: She's got it now.
grammardog: New baby doll.
grammardog: Dad and AB work the DJ table.
grammardog: First.
grammardog: I don't adore her or anything.
grammardog: Cartoon villain aunt.
grammardog: Two aunties, one niece.
grammardog: Dad plays with Anabelle and Sully.