grammardog: Sewing Box - opened
grammardog: Mushrooms
grammardog: Thrifted Sewing Box
grammardog: Thrifted Books
grammardog: Thrifted Quilt - 7.99
grammardog: 1957 Pyrex Butterprint Cinderella Bowl
grammardog: Ribbon!
grammardog: Turtle Piggy Bank
grammardog: Bea wonders...
grammardog: Reupholstered Chairs
grammardog: Chair cushion
grammardog: Mmmm, dirty and rusty!
grammardog: Ugly Chair Before the Makeover
grammardog: BOOKS!
grammardog: More books!
grammardog: Sugar and Creamer
grammardog: Thrifted lamps
grammardog: Good day at Frenchy's.
grammardog: Church sale quilt.
grammardog: Lovely hand-quilting.
grammardog: One dollar.
grammardog: Any ideas about when these fabrics might be from? 1930's?
grammardog: Eight dollar dress!
grammardog: What is it?
grammardog: Bookshelf-before
grammardog: Ding.
grammardog: Icky poo poo.
grammardog: Bookshelf - after!
grammardog: New to me.
grammardog: Budding collection.