gramily: Gramily and Zadie, Zach and Dex
gramily: Syl, Bob, Dex and Zach
gramily: Zach the Great Builder
gramily: Playing in the Basement
gramily: Balance is his forte
gramily: Magic Glasses with OJ
gramily: Dex and Duckling
gramily: Spiderman
gramily: eaten any which way but plain
gramily: Dex Sports his firedragon mittens
gramily: Gramily and Her Rascals
gramily: Bob Encourages Water Gymnastics
gramily: Syl's Vigilant in Keeping the Risk-Taking Boys from Drowning
gramily: Harvest time
gramily: Zach Demonstrates Height of Artichoke
gramily: Dex Needs to do a LOT of Measuring
gramily: Zach Dives In!
gramily: Reading with Gramily l
gramily: Reading with Gramily ll
gramily: At the Mill Stream
gramily: At Tubby's
gramily: At the Library
gramily: goldfish mittens on Zach
gramily: holiday photo
gramily: Sophia decides the goldfish are all hers!
gramily: Dylan's birthday boat-hat
gramily: Birthday boat cake shared by Ethan and Dylan
gramily: Sophia on board!
gramily: Birthday cake before a GUEST blew out the candle!
gramily: Capelet as Skirt