Godless Graham:
Blown glass flowers in the ceiling of the Bellagio
Godless Graham:
Godless Graham:
Actually that's not the Seine
Godless Graham:
Britney, Burgr and Meatloaf
Godless Graham:
Alternative police force.
Godless Graham:
Vegas at dusk
Godless Graham:
The strip, by night
Godless Graham:
Vegas' France at night
Godless Graham:
The Montgolfier brothers get a mention
Godless Graham:
If you are feeling really paranoid
Godless Graham:
Little France
Godless Graham:
50's America meets the Bhagdad market place
Godless Graham:
Just don't argue with the lady
Godless Graham:
Another shopping mall in Vegas
Godless Graham:
Godless Graham:
Little Caesar's shopping mall
Godless Graham:
Little Caesar's shopping mall
Godless Graham:
Little Caesar's shopping mall
Godless Graham:
Model's hand.
Godless Graham:
The only unpixellated breast I've seen in America
Godless Graham:
Harrah's harlequins
Godless Graham:
Harrah's harlequin
Godless Graham:
Rather unsubtle I thought
Godless Graham: