blogefl: Enrique introducing Jeremy's opening plenary at the #angloconference in Montevideo
blogefl: Jeremy Harmer speaking at the opening of the #angloconference in Montevideo
blogefl: Jeremy talking about the importance of teachers at the #angloconference
blogefl: Waiting for Alistair Grant's talk on process writing at #angloconference
blogefl: Alistair Grant now giving us a literary quiz at the #anglocongress in Montevideo
blogefl: At the #anglocongress listening to Alejandra Oliveri talking about moving into ELT management
blogefl: Paul Woods talking about Plan Ceibal English at #anglocongress in Montevideo
blogefl: ideas with iPads at the #anglocongress in Montevideo
blogefl: listening to Paula Coudannes talking about Enhancing children`s capacity for thinking at the #anglocongress
blogefl: At Jeremy Harmer's closing plenary at the #anglocongress