blogefl: PlanCeibal-small
blogefl: PlanCeibal
blogefl: Technology blended with nature at LATU, Montevideo
blogefl: View to Los Tilos, LATU
blogefl: LATU cafe #2
blogefl: Frost on the ground this morning...winter is coming to Montevideo!
blogefl: UFO spotting at Plan Ceibal...or...wait a it just a reflection?
blogefl: Ceibal Movil
blogefl: Arriving at LATU
blogefl: Plan Ceibal classroom teachers using their ceibalitas to take the British Council LEP placement test during the Orientation course
blogefl: Just outside the office
blogefl: Plan Ceibal offices
blogefl: Friday afternoon at Plan Ceibal
blogefl: Leaving LATU late on a Friday
blogefl: Thunder and lightning + rain just as I was thinking of leaving LATU
blogefl: Social media statistics at Plan Ceibal
blogefl: After a week of rain and grey skies, the sun is shining again in LATU
blogefl: upload
blogefl: At Plan Ceibal testing the video conference equipment connection to the Philippines
blogefl: Final VC test of the week...they all seem to be working! Phew
blogefl: Gabriela talking about coordination between the classroom and remote teachers during the orientation for Plan Ceibal remote teachers in the Philippines
blogefl: Orientation session for the Philippines teachers using the video conferencing equipment
blogefl: Another view of the British Council office at Plan Ceibal
blogefl: British Council office at Plan Ceibal
blogefl: It's only 8am and they have already started the BBQ at LATU in preparation for lunch
blogefl: It must be Friday lunchtime again!
blogefl: Now there are Wednesday bbqs too!
blogefl: Ceibal - English Teacher at work
blogefl: Observing Ma.Laura's 4th grade English class in Salto
blogefl: Salto Escuela 112