The Logo Smith: fighting dogs in water
The Logo Smith: IMG_1113
The Logo Smith: IMG_1123
The Logo Smith: IMG_1124
The Logo Smith: 3rd March 2005 010_1
The Logo Smith: 3rd March 2005 008_1
The Logo Smith: PIC00008
The Logo Smith: fermoy and me on beach
The Logo Smith: PIC00007
The Logo Smith: PIC00005
The Logo Smith: ThermoDog
The Logo Smith: IMG_3978.jpg
The Logo Smith: Stray Dog - Dahab, Egypt
The Logo Smith: Fermoy, my part time Lurcher.
The Logo Smith: Dylan the Lurcher atop Seaford Head, East Sussex
The Logo Smith: Dylan the Lurcher, asleep... somehow.
The Logo Smith: Dylan the Lurcher and shiny nose.
The Logo Smith: Border Collie (sheepdog) peeking through Fence.
The Logo Smith: Highly Suspicious Boxer Puppy
The Logo Smith: Dylan the Crossbread Lurcher - Seaford.
The Logo Smith: Faster than a shooting star...
The Logo Smith: Dylan the Lurcher Pet Portrait in Seaford
The Logo Smith: Fermoy - The Irish Rescued Lurcher
The Logo Smith: Dylan the Lurcher Running in Snow
The Logo Smith: Dylan Running Through Water