Grahame Addicott: 'Cyclo 2' Impossible image (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: 'Cyclo 3' impossible image (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Magic lager (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Fire from my hand (animated)
Grahame Addicott: Suicial alter-ego (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Giving my Heart (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: The 'droste' effect (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Light painting (animated)
Grahame Addicott: Hologram (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Rainbow fire from hands (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: The droste effect (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Tom raids a bin (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Nokia N95 endless photo (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Interactive Light graffiti (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Light painting (Animated)
Grahame Addicott: Light painting(Animated)
Grahame Addicott: The two of us (Animated)