Graham Daly Photography:
Graham Daly Photography:
Rainbow Droplets
Graham Daly Photography:
Graham Daly Photography:
Parides Eurimedes
Graham Daly Photography:
Morpho peleides
Graham Daly Photography:
Are you looking at me?
Graham Daly Photography:
Male Migrant Hawker 1
Graham Daly Photography:
Female Common Darter 2
Graham Daly Photography:
Female Common Darter 1
Graham Daly Photography:
Mating Damselflies 1
Graham Daly Photography:
Female Common Blue Damselfly 1
Graham Daly Photography:
Mating Dragonflies
Graham Daly Photography:
Common Darter 1
Graham Daly Photography:
Common Darter 2
Graham Daly Photography:
Pencils 3
Graham Daly Photography:
The Chain
Graham Daly Photography:
The Old Chain
Graham Daly Photography:
Pencils 2
Graham Daly Photography:
Graham Daly Photography:
Pencils 4