Graham Ballantyne: In line for the nerdgasm
Graham Ballantyne: Will code for food
Graham Ballantyne: namespace CodeForFood
Graham Ballantyne: Abandoned
Graham Ballantyne: Inside the building
Graham Ballantyne: Herd of nerds
Graham Ballantyne: Getting closer...
Graham Ballantyne: Making an offering?
Graham Ballantyne: TOUCHDOWN!
Graham Ballantyne: Serious mac guy is serious
Graham Ballantyne: Threading
Graham Ballantyne: Moving stairway to heaven
Graham Ballantyne: Looking back
Graham Ballantyne: Prepared
Graham Ballantyne: Juxtaposition
Graham Ballantyne: Master of Evil
Graham Ballantyne: Ruby Red Shoe
Graham Ballantyne: Brian W - Keynote Queue
Graham Ballantyne: Geoff - Keynote Queue
Graham Ballantyne: B.L. Phone Home
Graham Ballantyne: Sorry ladies, he's taken
Graham Ballantyne: RDF Generator Set to 11
Graham Ballantyne: Persidio pano
Graham Ballantyne: Behold, the oracle!
Graham Ballantyne: Geoff phoning home
Graham Ballantyne: Program About to Begin
Graham Ballantyne: "Loopt is a location-based social network for douchebags who wear two ill-fitting polo shirts at the same time." --@gruber