Graham Ballantyne: Crane over Campus
Graham Ballantyne: Purple Flowers
Graham Ballantyne: AQ Hallway
Graham Ballantyne: (Untitled)
Graham Ballantyne: Studying
Graham Ballantyne: Better than a kick to the crotch
Graham Ballantyne: Low Attendance
Graham Ballantyne: nobody wants to talk
Graham Ballantyne: Empty Seats
Graham Ballantyne: Short Bus
Graham Ballantyne: IMG_9614
Graham Ballantyne: Happy Anniversary
Graham Ballantyne: Aah, higher education at work
Graham Ballantyne: Convo Mall Banners
Graham Ballantyne: Procession
Graham Ballantyne: No Bills
Graham Ballantyne: an ove-arching sense of doom
Graham Ballantyne: my cats are cuter than this cat