Graham Gordon: USA, WASHINGTON D.C.
Graham Gordon: typical local house
Graham Gordon: alternative protesting I
Graham Gordon: alternative protesting II
Graham Gordon: alternative protesting III
Graham Gordon: alternative protesting IV
Graham Gordon: had to be done...
Graham Gordon: does it need to be that phallic?
Graham Gordon: suble patriotism
Graham Gordon: Abraham Lincoln
Graham Gordon: Vietnam war memorial
Graham Gordon: area closed for turf restoration
Graham Gordon: French Fries passed off as Peruvian food
Graham Gordon: Welsh male voice choir
Graham Gordon: alien invasion
Graham Gordon: alien invasion - view from behind
Graham Gordon: rare close up of alien
Graham Gordon: school bus
Graham Gordon: Virginia Congress building, Richmond
Graham Gordon: Jo and Janeth
Graham Gordon: me, Jacob and Janeth
Graham Gordon: Confererate flag
Graham Gordon: Confederate Fish
Graham Gordon: crowd control