Grø Åmert: Just received a belated bday gift from Fey & Jono at Ardmore, it's an owl milk jug! :)
Grø Åmert: ps @TalyaGoldberg, I made this at Bosch studios ;)
Grø Åmert: Also this one, @TalyaGoldberg.
Grø Åmert: This would totally fit in my house! (props to Chris Swift)
Grø Åmert: This would also fit in my house! My favorite of Chris Swift's.
Grø Åmert: My 1998 Gucci Envy finally arrived from LA! (love my photog skills)
Grø Åmert: I wrapped the communist manifesto in my favourite precious metal as a gift for @erik_deridder
Grø Åmert: Only @NicoleBlomkamp could have done such a thing to the Uwe Plaff in my house :/
Grø Åmert: These Bang & Olufsen earphones just arrived - stunning in yellow! For mom's Christmas cracker.
Grø Åmert: Constantine pulled a Winehouse and OD'd.
Grø Åmert: Had no idea that the Uwe Pfaff angel in my house was meant to be shiny. It is now.