faith goble: Supermarket Produce (and Poem)
faith goble: Happy Halloween!
faith goble: Cat's Meow (painting) Cat (poem after Carl Sandburg's "Fog")
faith goble: The Banquet (painting and poem)
faith goble: Fool's Gold (painting and poem)
faith goble: The Green Dress (painting) Green (poem)
faith goble: Orange Scarf (painting) The Woods (poem)
faith goble: Saline Dreams (painting) and To Walk by the Evening Sea (poem)
faith goble: The Heart of Things (painting and poem)
faith goble: Fecundity (painting) and Bloom (poem)
faith goble: Underground (painting) and Mine (poem)
faith goble: Carnivale (painting and poem)
faith goble: Bits and Pieces (Painting and Poem)
faith goble: Stone Corridor under Sky (painting) and Corridor (poem)
faith goble: Fall (painting and poem)
faith goble: Angel Playing a Flageolet (drawing after Sir Edward Burne-Jones) and Pre-Raphaelite Angels: #Flickr12Days(poem)
faith goble: Elementa (illustration and poem)
faith goble: Happy Valentine's Day
faith goble: Cleo's Logo and Poem: Cleopatra's Last Cocktail Party
faith goble: Poets, Pixels, & Prose Logo
faith goble: Happy Valentine's Day!
faith goble: Taking a Gander: Cover of Premier Issue of Gander Press Review (GPR)
faith goble: Beneath the Brooding Hill (Faith Goble)
faith goble: When We Were Young
faith goble: Faith Goble and Larry: Dog Day Afternoon (photo and poem)
faith goble: It's a Dog's Life (Poem: To My Human Who Is Now Taking My Picture)
faith goble: King Cat
faith goble: Two Bad Hombres
faith goble: Merry Christmas!
faith goble: Larry the Wary (and poem)