dreweuropeo: The whole Lamy Family :)
dreweuropeo: My new babies :)
dreweuropeo: Lamy Logo fountain pens, oh so shiny!
dreweuropeo: Their EX nibs
dreweuropeo: Look at those Lamy logos...
dreweuropeo: Lamy Al Star Graphite, Lamy Charcoal Safari and Yellow Safari
dreweuropeo: Lamy Al Star Graphite, Lamy Charcoal Safari and Yellow Safari
dreweuropeo: My Lamy's on pocket reporter Moleskine
dreweuropeo: My newly acquired Lamy Logo fountain pen with EF nib
dreweuropeo: Lamy Logo fountain pen
dreweuropeo: My Parker Esprit
dreweuropeo: Parker Esprit
dreweuropeo: Another favorite... Parker Esprit
dreweuropeo: A close-up look on the EF nib
dreweuropeo: Lamy Safari Yellow
dreweuropeo: My very first Lamy.... meeee lovveesss!!!
dreweuropeo: Another take on my babies
dreweuropeo: My writing babies so far
dreweuropeo: Rotring Esprit
dreweuropeo: Parker Vector
dreweuropeo: Parker
dreweuropeo: Parker Vector
dreweuropeo: My Parker fountain pens
dreweuropeo: Another shot of Parker fountain pens
dreweuropeo: Parker fountain pens
dreweuropeo: My Inoxcrom
dreweuropeo: My Derwent Sketchbook
dreweuropeo: My Moleskine pocket reporter
dreweuropeo: My Moleskine pocket reporter