Graeme Worsfold: Things are looking up...
Graeme Worsfold: You're for the high chair
Graeme Worsfold: In the pen
Graeme Worsfold: Now with added hair
Graeme Worsfold: Gold Medal Winner of the Olympic Crawl
Graeme Worsfold: Old Scratched Nose
Graeme Worsfold: Auntie and I
Graeme Worsfold: Happy Al
Graeme Worsfold: Seal Explorers
Graeme Worsfold: Shocking
Graeme Worsfold: Pull Hair. Snog.
Graeme Worsfold: Natty Hat
Graeme Worsfold: My two favourite travelling companions
Graeme Worsfold: Cute hat
Graeme Worsfold: With Grandad
Graeme Worsfold: Family
Graeme Worsfold: The Cutest
Graeme Worsfold: Her best present
Graeme Worsfold: Extreme Close Up
Graeme Worsfold: V + A + White Rabbit
Graeme Worsfold: I think it's just about to rain.
Graeme Worsfold: Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Graeme Worsfold: Can i have some more baby rice now?
Graeme Worsfold: Slightly grumpy
Graeme Worsfold: Please Mum, can i have some more...
Graeme Worsfold: ....i'm ready!
Graeme Worsfold: Oh ho ho ho
Graeme Worsfold: On my tummy
Graeme Worsfold: Chump and Chumper