Graeme Pow: Old Marble Quarry, Isle of Iona
Graeme Pow: Reclining Cow, Isle of Iona
Graeme Pow: Standing Cow, Isle of Iona
Graeme Pow: Iona Village Street
Graeme Pow: The Spouting Cave, Isle of Iona
Graeme Pow: Ringing Rock, Isle of Iona
Graeme Pow: Well of Eternal Youth, Isle of Iona
Graeme Pow: St Columba, Iona Abbey
Graeme Pow: Staffa and Fingal's Cave
Graeme Pow: Fingal's Cave, Staffa
Graeme Pow: Basalt Columns, Staffa
Graeme Pow: The Cloister, Iona Abbey
Graeme Pow: Beach-pebble Artwork, St Columba's Bay
Graeme Pow: St Columba's Bay, Isle of Iona
Graeme Pow: St Ronan's Bay, Isle of Iona
Graeme Pow: The Hill of the Angels
Graeme Pow: God Rays Over Fionnphort
Graeme Pow: Staffa and Fingal's Cave
Graeme Pow: Basalt Rocks I
Graeme Pow: Fingal's Wishing Chair
Graeme Pow: Iona Abbey, Isle of Iona