Alex Plore: Kings of Speed
Alex Plore: Thrills and Spills at Knockhill
Alex Plore: Pushin' it..
Alex Plore: Follow the leader
Alex Plore: Waved Yellows
Alex Plore: Playtime for Plato..
Alex Plore: Those magnificent men ....
Alex Plore: Close Shave
Alex Plore: In tents
Alex Plore: Ride on a Fast Machine
Alex Plore: Bandits @ 7 o'clock
Alex Plore: Ride on a Fast Machine II
Alex Plore: The Chase
Alex Plore: Past the Post
Alex Plore: Speed King
Alex Plore: Knockhill Stock Cars
Alex Plore: DPP_02325
Alex Plore: DPP_02320
Alex Plore: Stock Cars
Alex Plore: DPP_02349
Alex Plore: DPP_02328
Alex Plore: Knockhill, F1 Stock Cars
Alex Plore: Undaunted