GracezSpace: Hot temps = more pool parties
GracezSpace: We had company on Saturday & Sunday
GracezSpace: black & blue
GracezSpace: Silhouette
GracezSpace: Extra party guest
GracezSpace: Unwelcome guest - horse fly
GracezSpace: This guy or gal wasn't in a hurry
GracezSpace: I finally got one...
GracezSpace: Looks like his air bag deployed...
GracezSpace: Tonka truck ready for work
GracezSpace: From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised.
GracezSpace: Step into the sunshine
GracezSpace: A new day
GracezSpace: I've been seeing a lot of these in the early morning. Something is really busy overnight.
GracezSpace: What's all the buzz about
GracezSpace: Morning dew
GracezSpace: Spirea
GracezSpace: Bag worm
GracezSpace: Pine tree
GracezSpace: needles
GracezSpace: Look how tiny this snail is...
GracezSpace: Striped antennaes
GracezSpace: Fences make the best neighbors...