GraceYang : Rathaus and the platz
GraceYang : On the Platz
GraceYang : Rathaus
GraceYang : inside of the Rathaus
GraceYang : Have no idea who they are
GraceYang : Rivers and buildings
GraceYang : More candies
GraceYang : Hamburg's famous stone chocolate
GraceYang : the Rathaus of Hamburg
GraceYang : Winedorf(Wine Garden) in front of the Rathaus
GraceYang : Delicious Apfelschorle
GraceYang : Apferschorle and me
GraceYang : Drinking Apfelschorle in front of the Rathaus
GraceYang : Cute Puppy
GraceYang : A cute puppy and me