UMD - Kairos: A behind the scenes look at our light show #bts #klesisumd
UMD - Kairos: First time taking leaves #somanyleaves🍁🍂 #arewedoingthisright
UMD - Kairos: When someone wears the same outfit as you...join us at the Marriott Conference Center 11:30am! #didntgetthememotosmile
UMD - Kairos: It’s that time of the week again - Klesis Weekly tonight at 6:30! #klesisweekly #biblestudy
UMD - Kairos: Scouting out future outing locations. #millerfarms #donuts🍩 #farmersmarket
UMD - Kairos: CPIs getting a tour of UMD #UMD>Duke #terrapinpose #campustour
UMD - Kairos: We are having our second special talk of the year on science and faith. Join us tonight at 8:30 in the student involvement suite in stamp to find out if science and faith can be compatible! #scienceandfaith #stampunion #specialtalk
UMD - Kairos: Look back at our Klesis Rally last week! #blanketgame #learningeachothersname #klesisumd
UMD - Kairos: Recap of our ice skating outing in DC last weekend! #firsttimeiceskater #klesisumd
UMD - Kairos: Sneak peek. In 2 hours. Don’t miss out.