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Native America-Pictures of Oklahoma by Mike Doty
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Mike Doty
i love summer flowers in Oklahoma
Mike Doty
Snow Geese forever
Mike Doty
Perfect setting for model A Ford
Mike Doty
Looking up to you Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty
proud owner of a classic (the house ain't bad either)
Mike Doty
a glimpse of the past
Mike Doty
Redbud in early spring in Oklahoma
Mike Doty
Dancing to the drums at Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty
Red Rock Church near Calumet Oklahoma
Mike Doty
Dancing in Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty
A blur of color at Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty
another blur of fantastic color at Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty
Chinese Pear tree in yard in spring
Mike Doty
a face in the crowd
Mike Doty
Blacksmith working at Medieval Fair at Norman Oklahoma
Mike Doty
Pelicans in Flight at Great Salt Plains State Park in Oklahoma
Mike Doty
Wild Turkey in Oklahoma
Mike Doty
Butterfly on a sunflower in Oklahoma City
Mike Doty
A group of wild turkeys in Oklahoma
Mike Doty
Howdy folks got any corn for me?
Mike Doty
Pelicans fishing in Oklahoma
Mike Doty
Close of of a Cicada hope thats spelled right
Mike Doty
get away from my lunch bud!
Mike Doty
abandoned gas pump near Cogar Oklahoma notice the price per gallon 49 cents
Mike Doty
creepy snake in pond outside of Hinton Oklahoma 2007 Diamondback Water Snake
Mike Doty
strange looking stalks of something
Mike Doty
catepillar on leaf at my home in Mustang Oklahoma 2004
Mike Doty
a sea of geese in Sequoyah National wildlife refuge in 2008
Mike Doty
Price Tower in Bartlesville Oklahoma designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
Mike Doty
keeping my eye on you buddy
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