Mike Doty: i love summer flowers in Oklahoma
Mike Doty: Snow Geese forever
Mike Doty: Perfect setting for model A Ford
Mike Doty: Looking up to you Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty: proud owner of a classic (the house ain't bad either)
Mike Doty: a glimpse of the past
Mike Doty: Redbud in early spring in Oklahoma
Mike Doty: Dancing to the drums at Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty: Red Rock Church near Calumet Oklahoma
Mike Doty: Dancing in Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty: A blur of color at Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty: another blur of fantastic color at Red Earth 2008
Mike Doty: Chinese Pear tree in yard in spring
Mike Doty: a face in the crowd
Mike Doty: Blacksmith working at Medieval Fair at Norman Oklahoma
Mike Doty: Pelicans in Flight at Great Salt Plains State Park in Oklahoma
Mike Doty: Wild Turkey in Oklahoma
Mike Doty: Butterfly on a sunflower in Oklahoma City
Mike Doty: A group of wild turkeys in Oklahoma
Mike Doty: Howdy folks got any corn for me?
Mike Doty: Pelicans fishing in Oklahoma
Mike Doty: Close of of a Cicada hope thats spelled right
Mike Doty: get away from my lunch bud!
Mike Doty: abandoned gas pump near Cogar Oklahoma notice the price per gallon 49 cents
Mike Doty: creepy snake in pond outside of Hinton Oklahoma 2007 Diamondback Water Snake
Mike Doty: strange looking stalks of something
Mike Doty: catepillar on leaf at my home in Mustang Oklahoma 2004
Mike Doty: a sea of geese in Sequoyah National wildlife refuge in 2008
Mike Doty: Price Tower in Bartlesville Oklahoma designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
Mike Doty: keeping my eye on you buddy