GraceD: "When you're a boy...other boys check you out."
GraceD: Chicks in a car! My kid Molly and my sis Terry.
GraceD: BlogHim Raines, co-housing guru, doing the video of the mommyblogger panel. Mommies in line to rant.
GraceD: Floor space only at the Mommyblogger Panel
GraceD: Chris, hella funny makeup pro, does what I could never do - put my eyeliner on.
GraceD: My daughter turns into a model right before my very eyes.
GraceD: Gasp! It's my baby! All grown'd up!
GraceD: Mario, cameraguy for AlphaMom shoot.
GraceD: We listen to our lovely Leah give us our questions.
GraceD: The pride of BlogHer - on-site childcare.
GraceD: Tracey, made up all purty for her Alpha Mom interview.
GraceD: Andrea, Tracey and What-the-hell-is-going-on-Grace
GraceD: Lots to read at the BlogHer On-site Childcare Center.
GraceD: Mary Tsao, Jenny Lauck and Firefighter Grace at the BlogHer On-site Childcare Center
GraceD: Karianna will mess you up. With a smile.
GraceD: Meghan will hurt you.
GraceD: They grow long legs down there in Texas.
GraceD: Yvonne and Jenny
GraceD: Yvonne of Joy Unexpected
GraceD: BlogHer Women
GraceD: I reveal my tat, Pammy Beancounter reveals tat'ed arm, Janeen grins.
GraceD: Lauren of Feministe. She has taught us so much.
GraceD: Feminist Power Vortex - Laurie Toby Edison, Deb Notkin, Lauren, Lindsay
GraceD: Beautiful Celeste
GraceD: Karen Walrond with her sharp as surgical scapels cheekbones.
GraceD: This is what the pros call "camera ready".
GraceD: Closing Keynote. I'm checking out Arianna's manicure.
GraceD: Big Love time, baby! Arianna meets George and Grace.
GraceD: Camera Ready like we've never been before.
GraceD: The reluctant pack leader, Chris Jordan.