GraceD: I force my kid's boyfriend to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt.
GraceD: IMGP2172
GraceD: Moll being all normal and everything.
GraceD: IMGP2169
GraceD: Molly, suffering from tiny head syndrome like her ma.
GraceD: Molly, radiating outward, her message of teen angst enlightening us all.
GraceD: Our lovely Jenn and Mike
GraceD: The kid gets all Warhol and stuff.
GraceD: Malcolm morphs into Spuds Mackenzie!
GraceD: Hip to be square.
GraceD: Mother Daughter Weirdness
GraceD: Advanced Hindu Deity Featuring my Hands in Elegant Gesture
GraceD: Hindu Deity Celebrating the Father Daughter Dyad
GraceD: Father, Daughter...and Father Daughter.
GraceD: Double the Jenn, double the gah gah look.