GraceD: My badge, my self
GraceD: BlogHer at SXSW
GraceD: To take
GraceD: Retina Society computer bag to throw everyone off
GraceD: Chick tops for the warm Austin weather
GraceD: Waaah! I wanna go too!
GraceD: Blocking the closet, wanting to come along
GraceD: Dork self portrait en route to Austin
GraceD: Dork self portrait en route to Austin
GraceD: Nancy White loves her chocolate
GraceD: Liz Henry and Lisa Canter
GraceD: Jory desJardins
GraceD: Liz Henry and Jimmie Bise Jr.
GraceD: Jimmie Bise Jr./The Sundries Shack
GraceD: Tish Grier
GraceD: Yeeeeessssss! Jimmie Bise, Jr.
GraceD: Elke, my one groupie. Thank you, Elke.
GraceD: Malcolm shows up at SXSW
GraceD: Jimmie and Me, dorks 4 ever
GraceD: This is neat for Badger and me.
GraceD: Blogger/Google Party
GraceD: Ain't we cute? Liz Henry and Me.
GraceD: Panelistas, Tish Grier and Me.
GraceD: More than a subculture, Emo is a club in Austin.
GraceD: Marc and Lisa Canter
GraceD: Arrrrrr! Pirates at SXSW!
GraceD: Chic restaurant row in the warehouse district of Austin
GraceD: Rox Cooper is cooler than you, people.
GraceD: Elke is not above this sort of reproach.
GraceD: Lisa Canter's pal Ken from NYC at the EFF party