grace*c*: Bolivar Heights battlefield
grace*c*: flock
grace*c*: compliment
grace*c*: I can see the leaves through the trees.
grace*c*: Harpers Ferry from Bolivar Heights
grace*c*: watchdog
grace*c*: Americana
grace*c*: historical accuracy
grace*c*: young old timer
grace*c*: calligraphy
grace*c*: redbud
grace*c*: redbud path
grace*c*: dogwood afternoon
grace*c*: Even when the river runs cold the sun is there to warm me.
grace*c*: Christmas Lily
grace*c*: new journey
grace*c*: winter waterfall
grace*c*: Harpers Ferry Christmas Day 2008
grace*c*: For her the bells toll
grace*c*: overlook
grace*c*: Looking at our new "backyard."
grace*c*: Oh the possibilities!
grace*c*: This is what it's all about
grace*c*: rafters passing through Harpers Ferry
grace*c*: Swimmin' hole
grace*c*: This ain't metro
grace*c*: these trees have seen some history
grace*c*: Harper's Ferry C&O