grace*c*: Great Egret
grace*c*: The livin's easy.
grace*c*: warmth
grace*c*: Ibis
grace*c*: three
grace*c*: Peregrine Falcon
grace*c*: Night swimming
grace*c*: Great blue
grace*c*: American Gold Finch
grace*c*: "He's precocious" she said, smiling.
grace*c*: It's there, you just have to look.
grace*c*: Eagles
grace*c*: saved
grace*c*: Cardinal
grace*c*: Soar! Happy New Year!
grace*c*: pigeons
grace*c*: SittingDuck
grace*c*: Sparrow.
grace*c*: Goose
grace*c*: move along now children
grace*c*: Aw, little cutie pies....
grace*c*: Male
grace*c*: day at the beach
grace*c*: grassy knoll
grace*c*: pelicans3
grace*c*: catch!
grace*c*: Flamingo1
grace*c*: Banty Chicks - $2.00 each
grace*c*: mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
grace*c*: friends